Luc 12 [Références croisées TSKe]
- Luke 12.1, Christ preaches to his apostles to avoid hypocrisy, and fearfulness in publishing his doctrine;
- Luke 12.13, warns the people to beware of covetousness, by the parable of the rich man who set up greater barns;
- Luke 12.22, We must not be over careful of earthly things,
- Luke 12.31. but seek the kingdom of God;
- Luke 12.33, give alms;
- Luke 12.35, be ready at a knock to open to our Lord whensoever he comes;
- Luke 12.41, Christ's ministers are to see to their charges,
- Luke 12.49. and look for persecution;
- Luke 12.54, The people must take this time of grace;
- Luke 12.57, because it is a fearful thing to die without reconciliation.
Versets de Luc 12
Lc 12.1 Lc 12.2 Lc 12.3 Lc 12.4 Lc 12.5 Lc 12.6 Lc 12.7 Lc 12.8 Lc 12.9 Lc 12.10 Lc 12.11 Lc 12.12 Lc 12.13 Lc 12.14 Lc 12.15 Lc 12.16 Lc 12.17 Lc 12.18 Lc 12.19 Lc 12.20 Lc 12.21 Lc 12.22 Lc 12.23 Lc 12.24 Lc 12.25 Lc 12.26 Lc 12.27 Lc 12.28 Lc 12.29 Lc 12.30 Lc 12.31 Lc 12.32 Lc 12.33 Lc 12.34 Lc 12.35 Lc 12.36 Lc 12.37 Lc 12.38 Lc 12.39 Lc 12.40 Lc 12.41 Lc 12.42 Lc 12.43 Lc 12.44 Lc 12.45 Lc 12.46 Lc 12.47 Lc 12.48 Lc 12.49 Lc 12.50 Lc 12.51 Lc 12.52 Lc 12.53 Lc 12.54 Lc 12.55 Lc 12.56 Lc 12.57 Lc 12.58 Lc 12.59
Chapitres de Luc
Lc 1 Lc 2 Lc 3 Lc 4 Lc 5 Lc 6 Lc 7 Lc 8 Lc 9 Lc 10 Lc 11 Lc 12 Lc 13 Lc 14 Lc 15 Lc 16 Lc 17 Lc 18 Lc 19 Lc 20 Lc 21 Lc 22 Lc 23 Lc 24
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